Tag Archives: job

SEI looking for deputy director

Stockholm Environment Insitute (SEI) is looking for someone to fill a combined leadership position as Centre Director for the Stockholm Centre and Deputy Director Operations Stockholm Environment Institute.  SEI is one of the partners of the Stockholm Resilience Centre, so there is the potential for this person to do a lot of resilience research.  The application is due May 19th.

The job ad is below:

The Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) is an international research institute founded in 1989 by the Swedish Government on integrated research and knowledge generation for policy and decision support on sustainable development. It has research centres in Stockholm, Boston, York, Oxford, Tallinn, Bangkok and Dar-es-Salaam with about 180 staff. A significant part of SEI’s work is carried out in developing countries and the Institute applies an active diversity policy and operates in a global multicultural environment. The Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) invites applications for a full-time combined position as Centre Director for the Stockholm Centre and Deputy Director Operations for the Institute. The position is located at the SEI Headquarters in Stockholm.

Features and responsibilities of the position as
The Centre Director is responsible for the operations of the SEI Stockholm Centre, by providing strategic and intellectual leadership, carrying out and supporting fund raising, and ensuring the long-term operational and financial viability of the Stockholm Centre including general administration, management and development of Centre staff.

Works as a Senior Research Fellow who formulates, develops, leads, manages and implements one or more externally funded research programmes/projects.

Features and responsibilities of the position as The Deputy Director for operations:

  • Supports the ED on operational issues across the SEI organisation, related to institutional and centre developments and management related tasks
  • Supports the ED in strategic fund raising and external representation
  • Serves on the SEI Executive Team and as such is part of the overall leadership of the Institute.

In an international organization with six research centers around the world, the position requires an experienced and dedicated individual with passion for sustainable development and strong cross-cultural communication skills.

Interesting New Professorship at McGill School of Environment

The McGill School of Environment (MSE) (www.mcgill.ca/mse) invites applications for the Liber Ero1 Chair in Environment at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.  The appointment is expected to be at the rank of Full Professor.  The Chair holder will also be cross-appointed in department(s) in Faculties of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (www.mcgill.ca/macdonald), Arts (www.mcgill.ca/arts), Law (www.mcgill.ca/law) or Science (www.mcgill.ca/science), depending on areas of expertise.  This position is intended to have a transformative influence both on research and education within the MSE and McGill University, and on environmental challenges at the national and international levels.

The MSE was founded on the principle that the resolution of current and future environmental problems requires a highly integrated and interdisciplinary approach that is informed by both the natural and applied sciences and the social sciences and humanities.  The MSE uses this approach as we train the next generation of leaders through a set of novel, interdisciplinary undergraduate and graduate programs, and through innovative interdisciplinary research in environment.

The Chair holder will have an internationally recognized record of environmental research at the intersection of the natural or applied sciences and the social sciences or humanities.  He/she will have demonstrated success in attracting research funding and strong graduate students as well as excellence in teaching at both the graduate and the undergraduate levels. In addition, the Chair holder should have experience in engaging colleagues across a wide spectrum of academic disciplines with those in the public and private sectors, in a research agenda that informs public policy responses to critical environmental problems such as biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and services, climate and energy, disease and environment, environmental ethics, food security, and water.

Applicants shall provide a letter of intent, a summary of research interests (including proposed research program), a complete curriculum vitae, copies of three representative publications, and the names of at least three references by September 15, 2010 to the Director of the McGill School of Environment, Professor Marilyn E.  Scott.

The full job advertisement is here.

More PhD positions in Stockholm

There are three new PhD positions in hydrology at the Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology, Stockholm University, pertaining to the following projects:

  1. Nutrient sources, retention-attenuation and transport in hydrological catchments under climate change (Ref# 463-39-10)
  2. The role of permafrost, hydrological and ecosystem shifts for arctic hydro-climatic interactions and carbon fluxes (Ref# 463-40-10)
  3. Determining and mapping spatial distributions and thawing rates of inland permafrost under climatic change in the arctic/sub-arctic (Ref# 463-41-10)

Click on the links for the complete announcements.  Deadlines for applications are May 23rd.

New PHD opportunities at Stockholm Resilience Centre

There are two new PhD positions at the Stockholm Resilience Centre.  The first is to work with me, Garry Peterson, and then second to work with Line Gordon.

Position one: Mapping ecological regime shifts

We are looking for a PhD student who is excited to devel-op innovative methods as part of an transdisciplinary research team at the Stockholm Re-silience Centre. This team includes several researchers, PhD students, and Masters students, as well as our international collaborators.

Ecosystems can shift from being organized around one set of ecological processes and patterns to another. Research has identified an increasing number of such ecological re-gime shifts in systems as diverse as boreal forests, coral reef, shallow lakes, and rangel-ands.

These ecological regime shifts are being documented by the regime shifts database project (www.regimeshifts.org).

This project will work with the regime shift database project to build models of particular regime shifts that allow us to estimate the probability of regime shifts across landscapes.

The research aims to directly address a key research gap identified by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and contribute to future ecologi-cal assessments.

Read more here

Position two: Adapting to climate change: the re-greening of the Sahel as a potential success case
We seek to recruit 1-2 PhD candidate(s) for participation in a trans-disciplinary research project analyzing social-ecological systems in Niger and/or Burkina Faso in the Sahel.

The project addresses the current trend of increasing biomass production (here referred to as the re-greening) in the Sahel, and aims to improve the understanding of how to adapt to, and cope with, climate variability and change in marginal environments.

The student(s) will be involved in comparative analyses of different villages and/or landscape segments in the Sahel that have responded to climate variability in contrasting ways (e.g. situated at different places along a degraded re-greened continuum) to improve the understanding of why a positive change has taken place in some areas, while not in others.

The work will include 1) analysis of the historical development that have led to the current re-greened/degraded state in respective area; 2) analysis of quantity and quality of ecosystem services currently generated in the landscape, including the influence of this on poverty dynamics; and 3) analysis of potential development trajectories in the future, through e.g. scenario planning.

Read more here

Postdoc to work on Resilience and Health

Petra Tschakert from the Department of Geography and Earth and Environmental Systems Institute at Pennsylvania State University writes about a new postdoctoral position she is working on resilience:

Postdoctoral research opportunity in Complex Systems Science, Resilience, and Health

The successful applicant will be part of an interdisciplinary team of researchers focused on integrating debates on land disturbance, climate change and extreme events, the emergence of a neglected tropical disease (Buruli ulcer), and resilience.

The overall goal of this position is to assist in research and educational activities on coupled systems dynamics, cross-scale interactions, and thresholds that are likely to trigger the outbreak of Buruli ulcer, an aggressive and debilitating skin disease.

Continue reading

Resilience of social-ecological forest systems: post-doctoral position at Umeå

The Mistra <www.mistra.org> program “Future Forests” invites applicants for a full-time postdoctoral position, one year with the possibility of extending to two years.

The research program Future Forests <www.futureforests.se> started in January 2009 and has funding for four years, with a possibility for another four years. The program directly involves some 30 researchers from several Swedish universities and institutions, and also involve a large number of stakeholders. The program has the ambition to significantly improve the base of knowledge on the provision of ecosystem services from the forest landscape.

The aim of the post-doc position is to contribute to the analyses of resilience and sustainability in large- scale social-ecological forest systems, with a particular focus on the whole of the Swedish forest sector. The work could, for instance, involve literature reviews, modelling, and/or stakeholder interviews, depending on the research profile of the successful candidate. The successful candidate is expected to work closely with colleagues from many disciplines within the program, and also to interact with stakeholders representing many interests.

To qualify for this position you need a PhD degree in environmental sciences, forestry, or social sciences, preferably not more than three years old, and with a research experience in resilience or sustainability issues. Further, you need to show a strong track record of publications and an ability to work independently. The position will start as soon as possible, and will be placed in Umeå.

For more information contact Prof. Jon Moen, Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, Umeå University, Sweden. Phone: +46-(0)90-786 9647, email: <jon.moen@emg.umu.se>.

You application, in English, must include a short summary (max. 1 page) of your previous research experiences, your curriculum vitae, a maximum of three publications from refereed international journals, and names and contact details (telephone and email) of two suitable academic referee persons. Union information is available from SACO, +46- (0)90-786 53 65, SEKO, +46-(0)90-786 52 96 and ST, +46-(0)90-786 54 31.

Documents sent electronically should be in MS Word or PDF format.

Your complete application, marked with reference number 315-1103-09, should be sent to <jobb@umu. se> (state the reference number as subject) or to the Registrar, Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden to arrive January 7, 2010 at the latest. We look forward to receiving your application!

Three Climate Change Lecturer Positions at Tyndall Centre

Neil Adger writes to announce three exciting research positions at UEA.

Three Lecturer Posts Ref: ATR842 (£37,651 to £43,622 per annum)

These new academic staff appointments at UEA have been created as a result of substantial new investments in the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research. The posts offer excellent opportunities for continuing, or developing, internationally outstanding research careers UEA is the Headquarters of the Tyndall Centre which includes the universities of Manchester, Southampton, Oxford, Newcastle, Sussex and Cambridge. At UEA, the Tyndall Centre’s interdisciplinary activities span the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Social Sciences. These new positions will be based alongside existing Tyndall colleagues within the School of Environmental Sciences.

You must have a PhD (or equivalent) in an appropriate discipline in physical, natural, or social science, ideally with research interests in one or more of: land use and climate change; food security and climate change; mitigation, adaptation and behavioural change; energy and climate security; climate change and prosperity, and you must also be able to satisfy all other essential elements of the person specification. Applications from candidates with research interests in other climate-related areas will also be considered.

Closing date: 12 noon on 30 November 2009.

Further particulars and an application form are available on the UEA website www.uea.ac.uk/hr/jobs/ or Tel. + 44 (0)1603 593493. Ref: ATR842 (£37,651 to £43,622 per annum)

Bureau of Reclamation adaptive management job

I was sent this job ad:

The Bureau of Reclamation has an opening for a GS-13 Supervisory General
Biologist in Salt Lake City, Utah. The selectee will serve as an
understudy to the current Adaptive Management Group Chief for approximately 6 months, and will then assume the responsibilities of the Adaptive Management Group Chief. Responsibilities include serving in a key
technical and managerial role in the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program (GCDAMP). For more information on the GCDAMP visit:


This position is open to both government employees and to the public.
Apply at USA Jobs: http://www.usajobs.gov/.

In USA Jobs, search using one of the following vacancy numbers: BR-UC-2009-37 (public) or BR-UC-2009-61 (for government employees [note: government employees must also click the “status” button on the left side of the USA Jobs page to see the BR-UC-2009-61 announcement]). The vacancy closes on October 17, 2009.

Postdoctoral research opportunity in Climate Change Adaptation

Postdoctoral research opportunity in Climate Change Adaptation

Complex challenges for resilience under climatic uncertainties

The successful applicant will be part of an interdisciplinary team of researchers focused on integrating debates on climate change impacts, vulnerability, resilience, and ethics.

The overall goal of this position is to assist in research on social-ecological dynamics and thresholds that are likely to determine successful adaptation, livelihood transformations, and environmentally-induced migration in the developing world (particularly Africa), as well as creative climate learning and communication tools. The applicant is expected to contribute to university-wide discussions regarding potential interdisciplinary educational programs on climate change, including international research and training partnerships and service learning/study abroad programs. The applicant is also expected to take a leadership role in preparation of manuscripts for publication and contribute to the organization of climate-related events. Penn State has extensive opportunities for collaboration across the natural and social sciences.

The successful applicant must have a mix of expertise in climate science, development, and resilience thinking. Moreover, the applicant must be able to work in an interdisciplinary collaborative setting, have experience working in a different cultural environment, have excellent communication and writing skills, and demonstrate evidence of ability to publish in scientific journals.

The position is for one year with possibility for renewal for a second year. The salary and benefits package are competitive.

Applicants should submit (electronically) a cover letter; curriculum vitae; a one or two page statement of experience as it relates to the stated position goals; a maximum of three sample reprints/preprints (electronic versions); and names, addresses, fax numbers and e-mail addresses of three references to: Dr. Petra Tschakert, petra@psu.edu or via post to: Dr. Petra Tschakert, Department of Geography, 315 Walker Building, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802.

Complete Applications must be received by October 10, 2009 to ensure consideration. Applications, however, will be accepted until the position is filled. For further information please contact Dr. Petra Tschakert; phone 814 863-9399). Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity and the diversity of its work force. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

Stockholm Resilience Centre is looking for Seven new PhD students

The Stockholm Resilience Centre a joint centre of the Stockholm University, the Royal Swedish Academy of Science and the Stockholm Environment Institute, is looking for seven transdisciplinary PhD students who are interested in working on resilience issues in sustainability science.

The positions are:

These students will all be part of the new Resilience Graduate School which will help build the next generation of transdisciplinary thinkers and doers in sustainability science. The program will explore resilience theory and research methodologies, adaptive governance, and social-ecological transformation.

The application procedures are formally run by collaborating departments at Stockholm University.  Final date for applications  is between May 2-4th, 2009.

For further information on the PhD positions see: