Tag Archives: Carl T Bergstrom

Mapping Australian arid land research

Ryan McAllister and others use the network mapping methods of Martin Rosvall and Carl T Bergstrom (see previous post) to analyze the research impact of Australian arid lands literature in the paper –  McAllister et al. 2009.  Research impact within the international arid literature: An Australian perspective based on network theory.  Journal of Arid Environments 73(9) 862-871 (doi:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2009.03.014).

The figure below show the different research subfields McAllister et al. identified within arid lands research and the citation links among them.

Figure 4. Linkages between 21 partitions of the Australian arid literature (based on GN-Mod – see Table 7). Location of authoritative-hub articles (from Table 3): “Animal ecology” contains (Buckley et al., 1987) and (Morton and James, 1988), and Stafford Smith and Morton (1990); “Plant ecology” contains (Ludwig and Tongway, 1995), (Mabbutt and Fanning, 1987), (Montaña, 1992) and (Tongway and Ludwig, 1990), and Tongway et al. (1989); and “Geospatial” contains Pech et al. (1986).

Mapping Science

A nice 2008 PNAS paper Maps of random walks on complex networks reveal community structure (PNAS 105, 1118) [pdf] by Martin Rosvall and Carl T Bergstrom creates  beautiful and informative visualizations of citation networks in science (from 2004 ISI data) using a neat method for visualizing and analyzing complex networks.  Martin Rosvall has a created a website that enables the creation of similar maps of network data.

Figure 3. In Rosvall and Bergstrom 2008. A map of science based on citation patterns. Analysis of 6,128 journals connected by 6,434,916 citations were clustered into 88 modules and 3,024 directed and weighted links.

Figure 4. A map of the social sciences. The journals listed in the 2004 social science edition of Journal Citation Reports (32) are a subset of those illustrated in Fig. 3, totaling 1,431 journals and 217,287 citations.