The Stockholm Resilience Centre a joint centre of the Stockholm University, the Royal Swedish Academy of Science and the Stockholm Environment Institute, is looking for seven transdisciplinary PhD students who are interested in working on resilience issues in sustainability science.
The positions are:
- PhD position: Modelling dynamics of multiple ecosystem services in human dominated landscapes
- PhD position: Social-ecological modularity and connectivity in the urban landscape: implications for robustness/resilience of ecosystem services
- PhD Position: Seabird responses to dynamic marine ecosystem changes
- PhD position: Navigating transformations in social-ecological systems: the role of network evolution and leadership strategies
- PhD Position: Theoretical Analysis, Model Development and Simulations of Complex Social-Ecological Landscapes
- PhD position: Water resources and social-ecological resilience in agricultural landscapes
These students will all be part of the new Resilience Graduate School which will help build the next generation of transdisciplinary thinkers and doers in sustainability science. The program will explore resilience theory and research methodologies, adaptive governance, and social-ecological transformation.
The application procedures are formally run by collaborating departments at Stockholm University. Final date for applications is between May 2-4th, 2009.
For further information on the PhD positions see: