Tag Archives: vienna

Assistant Professor position in Social Metabolism in Vienna

The Institute of Social Ecology in Vienna, Austria is looking for an Assistant Professor of Social Metabolism (tenure track).  They write:

We are looking for an individual with a background in social sciences such as sociology, political science, anthropology, human geography and a broad perspective on social science theories and methods. We wish this candidate to be familiar with interdisciplinary fields such as human ecology, ecological economics, political ecology or industrial ecology, and open minded towards the natural sciences. Applicants should have experience with empirical research. We are seeking for a committed and creative person with intellectual curiosity, strong communicative skills and organizational talent, and enthusiasm for team work. In case of equal qualification, female candidates will be preferred. Letters of application can be sent until 14th of October, 2009.

Details at the official job announcement: http://www.uni-klu.ac.at/career/inhalt/269_586.htm