Tag Archives: Stockholm

Student-led resilience workshop after Resilience 2008

Realise, Reorganise, Adapt – Reorganising knowledge for sustainability is a student led resilience workshop that follows the Resilience conference on Friday April 18, 10.00-14.00 at Stockholm Resilience Centre.

It will address the questions:

  • How should we organise knowledge for sustainability?
  • Is the adaptive cycle a useful tool for organising interdisciplinary research and building knowledge for sustainability?
  • What lessons can we learn from different programs, their organisation and their various phases – conservation, collapses, and reorganisations?
  • Building on experience from students and their programs, we hope to identify what lessons emerge from these cases.

They hope to build an international student network of resilience researchers.

Resilience 2008 conference schedule and web broadcast information

Hosted by Stockholm Resilience Centre, Resilience 2008 will take place in Stockholm between April 14-17 2008 and will involve some of the world´s most distinguished scientists and politicians who will discuss ecology, economy and society from a Resilience perspective.

Live web TV
Using advanced web television interface, more than 40 events over a four-day period will be covered live via the Stockholm Resilience Centre website. An additional 20 events will be filmed and later made available via the same website. Below is a complete list of all events that will be filmed and broadcast live.

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Changing Matters – the Resilience Art Exhibition

In a few weeks the conference Resilience 2008 will begin in Stockholm. Along the the scientific talks is an art exhibit on resilience. Its called Changing Matters – the Resilience Art Exhibition and will be opening at the Naturhistoriska riksmuseet just before the conference (it runs 12 April -7 September 2008).

On the conference website the art exhibit and its rationale are described.

A central message of the Resilience 2008 Conference is that resilience is not just an ecological issue, or a social, economic or cultural issue. These issues are interlinked. Resilience involves ecological, economic, cultural, ethical and other social dimensions and values. Sustaining and developing social capacity will be a prerequisite for adaptability and transformability.

To explore this fundamentally important feature, and to complement and enhance the scientific symposium, we invited artists to submit proposals for a Resilience Art Exhibition to be held in connection with the science and policy conference. The full Resilience Art Exhibition, where invited artists interpret the notion of resilience, will take place between April 12 and September 7, 2008, at The Swedish Museum of Natural History (Naturhistoriska riksmuseet).

During the conference there will also be highlights and excerpts shown in the grand lecture hall Aula Magna at Stockholm University.

Falling Boxes by Paul Matosic, one of the artists in the exhibition

The artists participating in the show are: