Tag Archives: stockholm university

Stockholm University looking for Professor of Environmental Social Science

For all our great social science colleagues, if you are interested in coming to Stockholm, the Faculty of Social Science at Stockholm University is looking for  a Professor in Environmental Social Science.   You can’t be appointed in Stockholm Resilience Centre, as we aren’t in the Faculty of Social Science but the social and natural scientists at the Stockholm Resilience Centre would be interested in collaborating with whoever gets the position.

The application deadline is 15 February 2012.

The job ad states:

The possible contribution of social science to the understanding of current processes of environmental change covers a wide range of issues. Which aspects of human action and of the human-built environment affect the climate? How do climate and environmental change influence the conditions for a well-functioning society? How are such changes reflected in, for example, the areas of health and economy? How do individuals and societies adapt, at various levels of organization and action, to climatic and environmental change? Which notions of continuity and change in the climate and environment are prevalent in different social contexts? Which are the processes of knowledge and value formation that create such notions? Can one identify tensions between different interpretations?

Job Description
The position entails conducting research and teaching, primarily at the graduate and postgraduate levels. It also entails working with the development and implementation of faculty wide research initiatives and educational partnerships within the area of environmental social science. Furthermore, the position includes networking within the faculty as well as nationally and internationally, in order to strengthen research on climate and environmental issues at the Faculty of Social Science.

The development of environmental social science requires open and non-normative research on all of these questions and presupposes that local as well as global aspects are covered.

The purpose of the announced position as professor is to stimulate the growth of the research area as a whole. Processes that can be related to the core issues of social science as well as to actual human impact on the environment and climate (or vice versa) should be in focus. The starting point should be a solid basis of theoretical and methodological traditions from social science.

New Masters in Social-Ecological Resilience for Sustainable Development at Stockholm Resilience Centre

The new resilience science oriented masters programme at the Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University is accepting applications for the second cohort of students starting in the fall of 2012.

The new two year Master’s programme will enhance students’ ability to understand and analyze of the complex interactions between ecological and social dynamics across scales; particularly ecosystem management in the context of change and uncertainty.  Students are introduced to multiple research approaches and methods for studying coupled social and ecological systems.

The programme admits 15 students each year and includes one year of courses and a traineeship, and one year spent doing a Master’s thesis.

The four mandatory courses are taken the first year are designed to define the challenges we face today and reflect on how resilience thinking can be applied to social-ecological systems to solve real-life problems.  Students gain experience in trans-disciplinary research methods by working in groups on real world problems, and during this time develop and refine their thesis research topic and plan.

After finishing courses, students spend the following year researching and writing their theses under the supervision of a centre researcher.  We encourage students to work with the ongoing research projects at the centre, and develop their research one or more papers for peer reviewed journals.

Application deadline for Autumn 2012 programme start is 15 January 2012 for non EU students and 15 April 2012 for EU students.

For more information see the SRC website.

Job: Assistant Prof. in Systems Ecology @ Stockholm University

The Natural Resources Management group of the Department of  Systems Ecology at Stockholm University, which is closely connected to the Stockholm Resilience Centre is looking for an Assistant Professor.  Applications are due May 31,2011.  For full details see the job ad, which states:

Subject description: Natural resource management includes studies of the role of biodiversity in generation of ecosystem services, dynamics of social-ecological systems and institutions and governance related to management of ecosystems.

Main tasks: Research, and to some extent teaching and supervision.

Required qualifications: A person who has been awarded a PhD or a qualification from another country that is considered equivalent to a PhD is qualified for employment as an associate university lecturer. Preference is given to candidates awarded their degree no more than five years before the closing date for applications. Candidates awarded their degree more than five years previously are also given preference if special grounds apply, such as leave of absence because of illness, leave of absence for military service, leave for an elected position in a trade union or student organization, or parental leave or other similar circumstances.

The applicant must have the ability to collaborate as well as the competence and qualities needed to carry out the work tasks successfully.

Assessment criteria: Special weight will be given to scientific proficiency. Some weight will also be given to teaching proficiency.

When merits are similar according to the general criteria, the following should be considered as special merits:

• Experience of ecological research bordering to research in social science and economics.

Additional information: An associate university lecturer is employed for 4 years. The employment can be extended to 5 years maximum, if he or she has taught more than 25 % at the undergraduate level.

An associate university lecturer can apply for promotion to a tenured position as university lecturer. Assessment criteria for the evaluation can be obtained from the Faculty of Science.

The applicant is expected to contribute to strengthening collaboration among the research groups in natural resource management, marine ecology and marine ecotoxicology at the Department of Systems Ecology and with research groups at the Stockholm Resilience Centre.

Further information about the position can be obtained from professor Thomas Elmqvist, e-mail: thomase@ecology.su.se, telephone +46 (0)8 16 12 83 or the Head of Department Nils Kautsky, e-mail: nils@ecology.su.se, telephone +46 (0)8 16 42 51.

Two new jobs at Stockholm Resilience Centre

Stockholm Resilience Centre has two new Associate Senior Lecturer in environmental sciences positions it is looking to fill.  Application deadline is  22 January 2011.

Associate Senior Lecturer with emphasis on ecosystem-based management of the Baltic Sea

This position includes analysis of social-ecological systems that integrates ecology and management-related societal functions, including economy.

Main tasks will be research and coordination of research on ecosystem-based management within the programme Baltic Ecosystem Adaptive Management and to some extent teaching and supervising.

Required qualifications include a PhD or equivalent which qualifies for employment as an associate university lecturer. Preference is given to candidates awarded their degree no more than five years before the closing date for applications.

Download full vacancy announcement herePDF (pdf, 890 kB)

Associate Senior Lecturer with emphasis on modeling of social-ecological systems
This position involves modelling, analysis and simulation of social-ecological systems, thus integrating several different ecological and/or socioeconomic factors and issues, including resilience.

Main tasks include research, to some extent teaching and supervision, and management of a modelling and visualisation lab.

Required qualifications include a PhD or equivalent which qualifies for employment as an associate university lecturer. Preference is given to candidates awarded their degree no more than five years before the closing date for applications.

Download full vacancy announcement here PDF (pdf, 860 kB)

Stockholm Resilience Centre is looking for Seven new PhD students

The Stockholm Resilience Centre a joint centre of the Stockholm University, the Royal Swedish Academy of Science and the Stockholm Environment Institute, is looking for seven transdisciplinary PhD students who are interested in working on resilience issues in sustainability science.

The positions are:

These students will all be part of the new Resilience Graduate School which will help build the next generation of transdisciplinary thinkers and doers in sustainability science. The program will explore resilience theory and research methodologies, adaptive governance, and social-ecological transformation.

The application procedures are formally run by collaborating departments at Stockholm University.  Final date for applications  is between May 2-4th, 2009.

For further information on the PhD positions see:

PhD position at Stockholm Resilience Centre

The research program “Governance of the Baltic Sea – a response to ecological regime shifts” at the Baltic Nest Institute and Stockholm Resilience Center is looking for a Political Science PhD student.

The project runs from 2009-2012, andaims to develop guidelines for adaptive  management of both coastal and marine environments (with special focus on the Baltic Sea). The application deadline is very soon – Feb 14th, 2009.

The project is run by associate Professor Christoph Humborg and Professor Carl Folke.  For more information about the research project and information on the position contact
Associate Professor Christoph Humborg (christoph.humborg @ itm.su.se).

More information on training at postgraduate level in science and application procedure are available on

The project is described below:

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PhD position at Stockholm Resilience Centre

As mentioned earlier on this blog, Line Gordon and I are looking for a PhD student to be part of an international research project.

The PhD position is at Stockholm University (Sweden) in Physical Geography, but the student will be based at both Physical Geography and the Stockholm Resilience Centre.

The student will develop a conceptual framework and empirical methods to investigate how globally driven hydrological changes could alter the social-ecological resilience of Arctic ecosystems. This research includes reviewing evidence for possible hydrologically triggered abrupt threshold changes or regime shifts in Arctic ecosystems, the synthesis of existing social, ecological and physical data to map social-ecological resilience in the Arctic, and the construction of minimal social-ecological models of Arctic regime shifts.

The proposed starting date is January 1, 2009 (although this can be negotiated). Applications will be taken until Oct 31th, 2008.

For more information see my previous post.

The official job ad and details are here.