Tag Archives: Stockholm Environment Institute

Job: Executive Director, Stockholm Environment Institute

Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), which is one of the partners in the Stockholm Resilience Centre, is looking for a new Executive Director to replace its outgoing head Johan Röckstom.  Their job ad states:

Are you interested in leading a global organization seeking solutions to today’s and tomorrow’s sustainable development challenges? We are now looking for a new Executive Director to lead the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI). Recently ranked as the 10th most influential environmental think-tank in the world, SEI is a world leading research institute with the mission to induce change towards sustainable development around the world by bridging science and policy in the field of environment and development.

SEI pursues its inter-disciplinary research, capacity development, outreach and policy support, across areas and scales ranging from global climate change policy to farm development in Africa. SEI is heavily engaged in global scientific assessments, and global policy processes on environment and development, such as the 2012 UN Earth Summit (Rio+20). SEI is proud of its highly qualified and dedicated staff, including 180 colleagues in 7 globally distributed research centres.

We invite candidates with a distinguished reputation in research on environment and development, who have broad understanding and engagement in global challenges of sustainable development. You are a leader, both in developing an institute and in providing intellectual direction, with the ability and dedication to raise an internationally recognized institute to an even higher level of accomplishment. You have extensive international experience and a strong management record.

This is a full-time position located at the SEI Headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden. The appointment is made by the SEI Board for four years, with possible continuation for a further four years.


– a broad grasp of the principal global challenges of sustainable development and their relation to policy development over the coming decades;

– an ability to provide intellectual vision for the Institute’s work and to lead and develop staff into new research directions and policy domains;

– a distinguished reputation in research in the field of environment and development, particularly their systemic aspects;

– an extensive network of colleagues and contacts in the sustainable development field;

– a broad and diverse international experience, especially with developing countries;

– a willingness to travel widely to promote and extend the institute’s research programme and enhance its funding base and impact on global problems;

– management and organizational development experience;

– experience of strategic fund-raising;

– fluency in both spoken and written English.