Tag Archives: professor

Three social science and sustainability positions at ASU

While Stockholm is looking for one professor in the environmental social sciences, ASU is looking for 3 social scientists working on sustainability.  The job ad is below and applications are due in early January:

The School of Sustainability at Arizona State University invites applications for up to three tenure track faculty positions at the assistant or associate professor level

The School of Sustainability at Arizona State University invites applications for up to three faculty positions either at the tenure-track assistant professor level or tenured associate professor level. The appointment is in an innovative interdisciplinary academic program in sustainability (see http://schoolofsustainability.asu.edu). Applicants must be committed to a research and education program in sustainability and will teach both undergraduate and graduate courses, seek external funding on their own initiative or as part of a team, conduct interdisciplinary sustainability research, publish in sustainability journals in their area of specialization, as well as perform appropriate university, professional, and community service.

The School of Sustainability is the first of its kind: a comprehensive degree-granting program with a transdisciplinary focus on finding real-world solutions to environmental, economic, and social challenges. Established in 2007, the School is part of the Global Institute of Sustainability. Our mission is to bring together multiple disciplines and leaders to create and share knowledge, train a new generation of scholars and practitioners, and develop practical solutions to some of the most pressing environmental, economic, and social challenges of sustainability, especially as they relate to urban areas. The School of Sustainability takes a transdisciplinary approach in its curriculum, addressing a broad spectrum of global challenges, including: energy, materials, and technology; water quality and scarcity; international development; ecosystems; social transformations; food and food systems; and policy and governance.

Successful candidates must have an earned doctorate at the time of appointment in the humanities, sciences, or social sciences, and must demonstrate that sustainability is the core organizing principle in their research, scholarship, and teaching. They must also demonstrate: experience working effectively in interdisciplinary teams; a record of excellence in teaching and other educational activities; a strong record of scholarly achievement and publications appropriate to rank; strong communication skills; and evidence of potential to secure research funding appropriate to rank.

Special emphasis will be placed on candidates who demonstrate rigorous qualitative or quantitative methodological expertise relevant to sustainability scholarship (for example, the analysis of complex adaptive systems, assessment techniques, decision and policy analysis, or participatory [action] research); experience with engaging diverse communities in research practice and problem-solving; research interests at the international level (including collaborative work with partners in developing countries) and innovative approaches to education.

To review and apply to this position, please visit www.academicjobsonline.org and search for the position under the Global Institute of Sustainability. The initial application deadline is January 8, 2012. Applications will continue to be accepted and reviewed weekly thereafter until the search is closed. Applicants must submit a cover letter that addresses the criteria described above, current curriculum vita, statement of teaching philosophy, and the names, phone numbers addresses, and e-mail addresses of three references. Only electronic applications will be accepted. A background check is required for employment. Arizona State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. The School of Sustainability actively encourages diversity among its applicants and workforce.

Stockholm University looking for Professor of Environmental Social Science

For all our great social science colleagues, if you are interested in coming to Stockholm, the Faculty of Social Science at Stockholm University is looking for  a Professor in Environmental Social Science.   You can’t be appointed in Stockholm Resilience Centre, as we aren’t in the Faculty of Social Science but the social and natural scientists at the Stockholm Resilience Centre would be interested in collaborating with whoever gets the position.

The application deadline is 15 February 2012.

The job ad states:

The possible contribution of social science to the understanding of current processes of environmental change covers a wide range of issues. Which aspects of human action and of the human-built environment affect the climate? How do climate and environmental change influence the conditions for a well-functioning society? How are such changes reflected in, for example, the areas of health and economy? How do individuals and societies adapt, at various levels of organization and action, to climatic and environmental change? Which notions of continuity and change in the climate and environment are prevalent in different social contexts? Which are the processes of knowledge and value formation that create such notions? Can one identify tensions between different interpretations?

Job Description
The position entails conducting research and teaching, primarily at the graduate and postgraduate levels. It also entails working with the development and implementation of faculty wide research initiatives and educational partnerships within the area of environmental social science. Furthermore, the position includes networking within the faculty as well as nationally and internationally, in order to strengthen research on climate and environmental issues at the Faculty of Social Science.

The development of environmental social science requires open and non-normative research on all of these questions and presupposes that local as well as global aspects are covered.

The purpose of the announced position as professor is to stimulate the growth of the research area as a whole. Processes that can be related to the core issues of social science as well as to actual human impact on the environment and climate (or vice versa) should be in focus. The starting point should be a solid basis of theoretical and methodological traditions from social science.

UBC looking for Asst. or Assoc. Professor in Indigenous Forestry

Sarah Gergel writes to tell me that the excellent University of British Columbia, Faculty of Forestry is look for a Tenured or Tenure-Track Assistant or Associate Professor in Indigenous Forestry.  The job ad is not yet up online, but will be soon.

The Department of Forest Resources Management in the Faculty of Forestry at the University of British Columbia seeks a tenured or tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professor in indigenous forestry. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in a relevant discipline, including forestry or related environmental or social sciences. Research interests could include: Aboriginal governance and policy, adaptive collaborative management, economic development of indigenous communities, sustainable communities, or traditional ecological knowledge. The candidate should have demonstrated experience in collaborating with indigenous communities and the development of university-level courses or teaching programs in Aboriginal or community forestry.

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Two Asst. Professor Jobs at Stockholm Resilience Centre

Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University is looking for two tenure track assistant professors. The deadline is soon, 1 March 2001.

Associate Senior lecturer in environmental sciences, in particular ecosystem-based management of the Baltic Sea
The subject includes analysis of social-ecological systems that integrates ecology and management-related societal functions, including economy.

Main tasks are research and coordination of research on ecosystem based management within the research programme Baltic Ecosystem Adaptive Management (BEAM), and to some extent teaching and supervision.

Read more and apply here

Associate Senior Lecturer in Environmental Sciences with emphasis on modeling of social-ecological systems
The subject area involves modeling, analysis and simulation of social-ecological systems, thus integrating several different ecological and/or socioeconomic factors and issues, including resilience.

Main tasks are research, to some extent teaching and supervision, and manager of a modelling and visualisation lab.

Read more and apply here

Interesting New Professorship at McGill School of Environment

The McGill School of Environment (MSE) (www.mcgill.ca/mse) invites applications for the Liber Ero1 Chair in Environment at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.  The appointment is expected to be at the rank of Full Professor.  The Chair holder will also be cross-appointed in department(s) in Faculties of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (www.mcgill.ca/macdonald), Arts (www.mcgill.ca/arts), Law (www.mcgill.ca/law) or Science (www.mcgill.ca/science), depending on areas of expertise.  This position is intended to have a transformative influence both on research and education within the MSE and McGill University, and on environmental challenges at the national and international levels.

The MSE was founded on the principle that the resolution of current and future environmental problems requires a highly integrated and interdisciplinary approach that is informed by both the natural and applied sciences and the social sciences and humanities.  The MSE uses this approach as we train the next generation of leaders through a set of novel, interdisciplinary undergraduate and graduate programs, and through innovative interdisciplinary research in environment.

The Chair holder will have an internationally recognized record of environmental research at the intersection of the natural or applied sciences and the social sciences or humanities.  He/she will have demonstrated success in attracting research funding and strong graduate students as well as excellence in teaching at both the graduate and the undergraduate levels. In addition, the Chair holder should have experience in engaging colleagues across a wide spectrum of academic disciplines with those in the public and private sectors, in a research agenda that informs public policy responses to critical environmental problems such as biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and services, climate and energy, disease and environment, environmental ethics, food security, and water.

Applicants shall provide a letter of intent, a summary of research interests (including proposed research program), a complete curriculum vitae, copies of three representative publications, and the names of at least three references by September 15, 2010 to the Director of the McGill School of Environment, Professor Marilyn E.  Scott.

The full job advertisement is here.