Tag Archives: Postdoc

Adaptive Agricultural and Environmental Decision-making Postdoc at UC Davis

UC Davis Post-Doctoral Position in Adaptive Agricultural and Environmental Decision-making with Mark Lubell.

The UC Davis Department of Environmental Science and Policy seeks to fill one post-doctoral position in Adaptive Agricultural and Environmental Decision-making. The post-doctoral position will be for two years residence with possible third year renewal, starting Fall 2011 or earlier. The post-doctoral fellow will support a USDA funded project analyzing local rangeland restoration programs and individual factors that encourage ranchers to engage in adaptive rangeland management. The project involves analyzing data from structured survey of California ranchers, with possible addition of comparative data from Wyoming. The project also involves designing and expert elicitation or mental models process to map the decision-making process of ranchers in conjunction with an agro-ecological field experiment in adaptive rangeland management. The study will advance basic science in adaptive decision-making and coupled social-ecological systems. The project is being conducted by an interdisciplinary team including natural and social scientists. More information about the rangeland management project can be found here: UC Davis Adaptive Rangeland Management Project.

The post-doctoral fellow will be a member of Dr. Mark Lubell’s Center for Environmental Policy and Behaviorand housed in the Department of Environmental Science and Policy. In addition to the rangeland restoration project, the post-doc will have opportunities to participate in other projects on sustainable agriculture, water management, and climate change; mentor graduate students, teach classes, develop new research funding; and generally support an active research group.

Applicants should be recent recipients of a doctoral degree, with demonstrated interest and publication ability in agricultural and environmental decision-making and policy. Applicants are required to have a background in survey design and analysis, social science theory, and strong skills in quantitative statistical and network analysis. Applicants should also be trained in the design and analysis of expert elicitation protocols such as semantic networks, multi-criteria decision making, mental models, learning models, decision-making under uncertainty, and risk perception. The project requires strong interpersonal and language skills to interact directly with agricultural communities and stakeholders. Experience with rangeland management is preferred but not required. The position is open with respect to academic discipline, and could include behavioral decision theory, economics, political science, sociology, or other appropriate social science training.

Please notify Dr. Mark Lubell (mnlubell@ucdavis.edu) as soon as possible if you intend to apply, and send full applications electronically by August 1, 2011. Applications received by this date will be given first consideration, although we will continue to accept applications after that date. Applications should include a CV, letter describing research interests and background as applied to this project, examples of any relevant publications, and three letters of reference. Top candidates will be screened by telephone with possibility of campus visit. The University of California, Davis, is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer with a strong institutional commitment to the development of a climate that supports equality of opportunity and respect for differences.

Postdoc on Planetary Boundaries at Stockholm Resilience Centre

The Stockholm Resilience Centre seeking a research coordinator to coordinate and initiate interdisciplinary research on Planetary Boundaries.

The job ad is here:

The successful candidate will benefit from a dynamic research environment at the SRC as well as the wider network of Planetary Boundary research partners. He/she will be based in the Global and cross-scale dynamics theme at SRC. To the extent that it is compatible with the tasks and responsibilities of this position, the research coordinator is encouraged to pursue his/her personal research interests within the broader Planetary Boundaries research programme.

The position is a one-year full-time employment, with possibilities for extension. Starting date: May 2011 or by agreement.

Adaptive governance PhD and Postdoctoral positions @ UW Madison

One postdoctoral research and one PhD student position are available with Dr. Adena Rissman‘s research group in Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison.  The job ad states:

The geographic setting for this project is the Yahara Watershed, an urbanizing agricultural watershed in southern Wisconsin, containing the city of Madison. Here and elsewhere, human needs for freshwater are growing as changes in climate, landscapes, the built environment and institutions alter water flows and quality in sometimes unpredictable ways. These changes affect ecosystem services related to freshwater, such as flows of freshwater for domestic, agricultural, industrial, recreational and other uses; regulation of floods; water quality; and aspects of human health. To strengthen conceptual frameworks and improve predictive capacity, our interdisciplinary project will integrate biophysical and social-economic aspects of regional water systems. The overarching question of our work is: How will ecosystem services related to freshwater vary and how can they be sustained in regional watersheds as climate, land use and land cover, land management, the built environment and human demands change? As a part of this overarching question, we ask: How can regional governance systems for water and land use be made more resilient and adaptive to meet diverse human needs? In what ways are regional human-environment systems resilient and in what ways are they vulnerable to potential changes in climate and freshwaters? These positions will focus on regional governance; adaptive management and decision making under uncertainty; spatial analysis and geovisualization; and the historical development of policy, politics, science and conservation interventions.

Applicants should have a prior degree in natural resources, geography, political science, planning, environmental policy, or related field. Previous research experience, social science background, and experience with coupled social and environmental systems are preferred. Experience with a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods are desired. Experience with ArcGIS, spatial analysis, and geovisualization desired but not required. Strong GPA, GRE scores, and oral and written communication skills are required. Applicants bringing diverse backgrounds and perspectives to the research program are encouraged to apply.

The PhD position will start Fall, 2011. Review of applications will begin December 20, 2010 and continue until an applicant is selected. Prospective PhD students should refer to the webpage for further information on applying to the UW-Madison.

The 2-year Postdoctoral Research position will begin in the Spring or Summer 2011. Review of applications will begin January 10, 2011 and continue until an applicant is selected.

To apply, email to arrissman@wisc.edu the following in a single PDF document: cover letter, CV with undergraduate/graduate GPA and GRE scores, and unofficial undergraduate/graduate transcripts.

Dr. Adena Rissman, Assistant Professor

Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Prof and Phd Environmental Political Science jobs at Lund in Sweden

Lund University invites applicants to

1) a tenure track position (Associate Senior Research Lecturer) on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate, and

2) a PhD position on international climate policy focusing on REDD and carbon accounting (4 year).

Both positions are placed at the Department of Political Science (http://www.svet.lu.se) and are part of the strategic research program Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate (BECC) at the Center for Environment and Climate (http://www.cec.lu.se) at the Faculty of Science.

More information (in English and Swedish) on the Associate Senior Research Lecturer can be found here:
http://www3.lu.se/info/lediga/admin/document/PA2010-2073engny.pdf (English)
http://www.sam.lu.se/lediga-tjaenster (Swedish)

More information (in English and Swedish) on the PhD position can be found here:
http://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/o.o.i.s?id=24914&Dnr=363076&Type=EU (English)
http://www.lu.se/o.o.i.s?id=22598&Dnr=363076&Type=S (Swedish)

Come and join a thriving research group in environmental politics!

Harvard Sustainability Science Fellowships

From Harvard’s Sustainability Science Program:

The Sustainability Science Program at Harvard University’s Center for International Development invites applications for resident fellowships in sustainability science for the University’s academic year beginning in September 2011.

The fellowship competition is open to advanced doctoral and post-doctoral students, and to mid-career professionals engaged in research or practice to facilitate the design, implementation, and evaluation of effective interventions that promote sustainable development.

Applicants should describe how their work would contribute to “sustainability science,” the emerging field of use-inspired research seeking understanding of the interactions between human and environmental systems as well as the application of such knowledge to sustainability challenges relating to advancing development of agriculture, habitation, energy and materials, health and water while conserving the earth’s life support systems.

This year we will give some preference to applicants whose work addresses challenges of innovation for sustainable development, with special attention to innovation in the energy, health and agricultural sectors. In addition to general funds available to support this fellowship offering, special funding for the Giorgio Ruffolo Fellowships in Sustainability Science is available to support citizens of Italy or developing countries who are therefore especially encouraged to apply.

The Sustainability Science Program is directed by Professors William Clark and Michael Kremer, and Nancy Dickson. For more information on the fellowships application process see http://www.cid.harvard.edu/sustsci/fellowship. Applications are due December 1, 2010.

Ecotrust looking for Resilience Research Fellow

The environmental NGO Ecotrust is searching for Resilience Fellow.  The position is a one year post-doctoral or sabbatical fellowship located at their Portland, Oregon office.  Details of the position and how to apply are below:

Position Summary

Ecotrust’s mission is to inspire fresh thinking that creates economic opportunity, social equity and environmental well-being. Among Ecotrust’s many innovations are co-founding the world’s first environmental bank, starting the world’s first ecosystem investment fund, creating a range of programs in fisheries, forestry, and food and farms, and developing new scientific and information tools to improve social, economic, and environmental decision-making. Over nearly 20 years, Ecotrust has converted $60 million into grants and investments into more than $300 million in capital for local communities in the Pacific Northwest. The Resilience Fellow will serve an important role in integrating Ecotrust core missions and activities with progressive socio-ecological system resilience thinking. This is a one year post-doctoral or sabbatical fellowship, to be located in the Portland, Oregon office.


The Resilience Fellow will assist program staff in applying resilience theory to conservation practice, in addressing complex resource management challenges, and contributing to innovative solutions. We are not looking for someone to examine successes and failures of Ecotrust programs as case studies, but rather to approach the issues Ecotrust tackles with an eye to what works and what doesn’t work, and how that can be incorporated into our work on the ground. The successful candidate will interact and share ideas with staff economists, ecologists, and spatial planners at Ecotrust. S/he will build relationships with other resilience thinkers and doers in academia and the private sector, and will conduct independent research relating to Ecotrust program areas (Community Ecosystem Services, Food and Farms, and Knowledge Systems).

The Fellow will have flexibility in choosing a research topic or area of interest. Potential projects could include, but are not limited to:

  • Comparison of socio-ecological systems and scenario-building in the Copper River, Alaska and Skeena River, British Columbia; what are new ways to foster community organization?
  • Impact of large-scale salmon hatcheries on fishery and community resilience; what are new incentives to maintain fishing incomes and communities?
  • Social and economic impacts of catch share programs; what are new ways to design these programs to protect both communities and fish populations?
  • Improving the outcomes of marine spatial planning processes and ecosystem-based management;
  • Imagining the farm and/or ranch of the future, integrating the production of food, energy, and other ecosystem service. How do lessons from other bioregions apply and translate?

Fellowship outcomes could range from academic publications to informing new Ecotrust programs and initiatives.


  • PhD in natural or social sciences, with applied research experience in complex systems, ecology, economics, or anthropology.
  • Experience or interest in applying resilience theory to conservation practice.
  • Willingness and ability to think creatively, problem solve and innovate.
  • Strong research and publication record.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
  • Some travel required.

Salary is negotiable, depending on candidate’s requirements and experience.

How to Apply

Download and submit an Ecotrust Employment Application form (available as a PDF or Word Document at http://www.ecotrust.org/about/jobs.html) along with a statement of interest, curriculum vitae, and three references to Dr. Astrid Scholz, Vice President of Knowledge Systems, via email, ajscholz@ecotrust.org.

Position open until filled.

Ecotrust is an equal opportunity employer.

Postdoc on dynamic models of vulnerability in drylands and coastal zones

The Law and Governance Group focuses on the role of law and governance in the domains of food and natural resources is looking for a post-doc to work on a collaborative project with the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) and CERES Research School in the domain of global environmental change :

The post-doc will work in a team with another postdoc on analysis of vulnerability patterns on building bridges between system dynamic models and qualitative case-studies by attempting to upscale lessons learned from local case-studies through Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and by down-scaling Integrated Assessment Models (IAMS) through cluster analysis of model outcomes. Both strands of the project come together in analyzing patterns of vulnerability. The project will focus on drylands and coastal zones. The post-docs will work in close collaboration with a team of experts from CERES research school and the PBL. The postdoc will be responsible for the down- scaling of Integrated Assessment Models.

The research is carried out in Wageningen and partly at the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency in Bilthoven, and should lead to a development of methodology and a number of high quality publications.

You have a PhD degree in social or natural sciences; a strong interest in and experience with modeling (preferably system dynamics), sensitivity for qualitative research, experience with research on (global) environmental change, and interdisciplinary work. You are a team worker and have excellent writing and communication skills and a proven ability to publish cutting-edge scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals and an excellent command of English

Additional information can be obtained from: Prof dr ir J.W.M. van Dijk (han.vandijk@wur.nl) ( tel +31 317  482960/482957) and Drs M. Kok (marcel.kok@pbl.nl) (tel: +31 30 274 3717)

Postdoc to work on Resilience and Health

Petra Tschakert from the Department of Geography and Earth and Environmental Systems Institute at Pennsylvania State University writes about a new postdoctoral position she is working on resilience:

Postdoctoral research opportunity in Complex Systems Science, Resilience, and Health

The successful applicant will be part of an interdisciplinary team of researchers focused on integrating debates on land disturbance, climate change and extreme events, the emergence of a neglected tropical disease (Buruli ulcer), and resilience.

The overall goal of this position is to assist in research and educational activities on coupled systems dynamics, cross-scale interactions, and thresholds that are likely to trigger the outbreak of Buruli ulcer, an aggressive and debilitating skin disease.

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Postdoctoral research opportunity in Climate Change Adaptation

Postdoctoral research opportunity in Climate Change Adaptation

Complex challenges for resilience under climatic uncertainties

The successful applicant will be part of an interdisciplinary team of researchers focused on integrating debates on climate change impacts, vulnerability, resilience, and ethics.

The overall goal of this position is to assist in research on social-ecological dynamics and thresholds that are likely to determine successful adaptation, livelihood transformations, and environmentally-induced migration in the developing world (particularly Africa), as well as creative climate learning and communication tools. The applicant is expected to contribute to university-wide discussions regarding potential interdisciplinary educational programs on climate change, including international research and training partnerships and service learning/study abroad programs. The applicant is also expected to take a leadership role in preparation of manuscripts for publication and contribute to the organization of climate-related events. Penn State has extensive opportunities for collaboration across the natural and social sciences.

The successful applicant must have a mix of expertise in climate science, development, and resilience thinking. Moreover, the applicant must be able to work in an interdisciplinary collaborative setting, have experience working in a different cultural environment, have excellent communication and writing skills, and demonstrate evidence of ability to publish in scientific journals.

The position is for one year with possibility for renewal for a second year. The salary and benefits package are competitive.

Applicants should submit (electronically) a cover letter; curriculum vitae; a one or two page statement of experience as it relates to the stated position goals; a maximum of three sample reprints/preprints (electronic versions); and names, addresses, fax numbers and e-mail addresses of three references to: Dr. Petra Tschakert, petra@psu.edu or via post to: Dr. Petra Tschakert, Department of Geography, 315 Walker Building, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802.

Complete Applications must be received by October 10, 2009 to ensure consideration. Applications, however, will be accepted until the position is filled. For further information please contact Dr. Petra Tschakert; phone 814 863-9399). Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity and the diversity of its work force. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.