Tag Archives: post-doc

Phd and Postdoc funding on marine protected areas

Helen Fox of WWF writes to tell me that:

WWF is offering Fuller Fellowships to support doctoral and postdoctoral marine protected areas (MPA) research in our marine priority geographies that shows promise to enhance scientific understanding of their ecological and social impacts.

She is also co-organizing a 1-day symposium New Perspectives on MPA Performance:
Linking Knowledge to Action
on November 5 which will be webcast.

Resilience Postdoc position at Cemagref, France

Olivier Barreteau is seeking a post doc candidate for 18 months starting as soon as possible to work with him at Cemagref in Montpellier, France.  Note: French is not compulsory for this position.

The post doc will help initiate a project on Communities and Climate Change, which we are currently setting up with colleagues in the US and Netherlands.  Olivier is planning on focusing this postdoctoral work on defining the indicators of resilience of SES, at least on their social part.

The process for a post-doc at Cemagref is that the candidate writes a proposal, with help from the team (ie Olivier), and the proposal is assessed (candidate + subject) by an internal commission.  There is one commission for evaluation each month. If the candidate and proposal are good, it will go through.

If there is someone with a background in resilience who is interested they should contact Olivier Barreteau (olivier.barreteau at cemagref.fr).

Resilience of social-ecological forest systems: post-doctoral position at Umeå

The Mistra <www.mistra.org> program “Future Forests” invites applicants for a full-time postdoctoral position, one year with the possibility of extending to two years.

The research program Future Forests <www.futureforests.se> started in January 2009 and has funding for four years, with a possibility for another four years. The program directly involves some 30 researchers from several Swedish universities and institutions, and also involve a large number of stakeholders. The program has the ambition to significantly improve the base of knowledge on the provision of ecosystem services from the forest landscape.

The aim of the post-doc position is to contribute to the analyses of resilience and sustainability in large- scale social-ecological forest systems, with a particular focus on the whole of the Swedish forest sector. The work could, for instance, involve literature reviews, modelling, and/or stakeholder interviews, depending on the research profile of the successful candidate. The successful candidate is expected to work closely with colleagues from many disciplines within the program, and also to interact with stakeholders representing many interests.

To qualify for this position you need a PhD degree in environmental sciences, forestry, or social sciences, preferably not more than three years old, and with a research experience in resilience or sustainability issues. Further, you need to show a strong track record of publications and an ability to work independently. The position will start as soon as possible, and will be placed in Umeå.

For more information contact Prof. Jon Moen, Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, Umeå University, Sweden. Phone: +46-(0)90-786 9647, email: <jon.moen@emg.umu.se>.

You application, in English, must include a short summary (max. 1 page) of your previous research experiences, your curriculum vitae, a maximum of three publications from refereed international journals, and names and contact details (telephone and email) of two suitable academic referee persons. Union information is available from SACO, +46- (0)90-786 53 65, SEKO, +46-(0)90-786 52 96 and ST, +46-(0)90-786 54 31.

Documents sent electronically should be in MS Word or PDF format.

Your complete application, marked with reference number 315-1103-09, should be sent to <jobb@umu. se> (state the reference number as subject) or to the Registrar, Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden to arrive January 7, 2010 at the latest. We look forward to receiving your application!