Tag Archives: nunavut

Portraits of Resilience

Portraits of Resilience, a photography exhibit at the Danish National Muesum for COP15, organized by the NGO Many Strong Voices.  The projects goal was:

to illustrate in a direct and personal way the ethical dimension of the climate change discussion. The goal is to train children in the use of digital media in order to help bring personal stories and faces from vulnerable regions onto the floor of the United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiations in Copenhagen in 2009. It is important that the world be able to see not only effects of climate change but the efforts people are making to both combat and adapt to it.

Below are photos from from Nunavut in Canada and Nesseby in Norway:

The arena in Pangnirtung used to open October or the beginning of November. Now it opens the end of December or beginning of January. The ice doesn’t freeze as much as it used to because of climate change.

The arena in Pangnirtung used to open October or the beginning of November. Now it opens the end of December or beginning of January. The ice doesn’t freeze as much as it used to because of climate change.

We travel a long distances with reindeer in the spring. If there is less snow on the ground it will be more difficult to drive with the snowmobile and it will get harder to graze the herd.

We travel a long distances with reindeer in the spring. If there is less snow on the ground it will be more difficult to drive with the snowmobile and it will get harder to graze the herd.