Tag Archives: International Development

New academic positions in International Development at Univ. of E. Anglia

Tim Daw writes:

I wanted to highlight the following job opportunity at my department in UEA. It’s an exciting time for us as we’re hiring up to 4 new faculty. Although I never considered myself an academic in ‘International Development‘, I’ve found the school atmosphere a stimulating place to explore interdisciplinary angles of natural resource management and learn from/work with economists, anthropologists etc. We also have links with good people at the renowned School of Environment.

Following success in the RAE2008, the School of International Development (www.uea.ac.uk/dev) is investing in one or more of six research strengths:- business, accountability, regulation and development; behavioural/experimental economics; climate and environmental change; health economics, social epidemiology and health policy; livelihoods, migration and social protection; and social identities, wellbeing and social justice. We aim to appoint top academics drawn from economists, anthropologists, sociologists, geographers, and political and environmental scientists. The six research fields are advisory, applicants with an internationally recognised profile working in other subject areas related to development studies are welcome to apply.

Up to four posts may be available from 1st December 2009 on a full-time indefinite basis. The School expects at least one post to support postgraduate research training at a strategic level and one post to be filled by an economist. For lecturer level you must have an honours degree and a PhD, or equivalent level of qualifications, in relevant subject area, or be nearing completion with submission and award of PhD within 3 months of commencing in post. For senior lecturer/reader level you must have a PhD or equivalent level of qualification. For all posts you must have high quality publications commensurate with your stage of career and be able to satisfy all the essential criteria in the person specification.

Closing date: 12 noon on 12 October 2009.

More information can be found here
