Tag Archives: conference

Early Registration for Resilience 2014 – last day March 10th

March 10th is the last day for early Registration for Resilience 2014!

Resilience 2014 is this year’s open Resilience Science conference in Montpellier, France – running from May 4-8th.

The theme of this conference is “resilience and development: mobilizing for transformation” and the organizing committee aims to explore and reinforce the multiple links between resilience thinking and development issues

It follows up on the successful Resilience 2011, in Tempe, Arizona and Resilience 2008 in Stockholm, Sweden.

I and many of my colleagues are planning to attend, and I believe it should be a fun, provocative, and diverse conference.

Planet Under Pressure: Understanding the Anthropocene

The above video on the Anthropocene was created for the Planet Under Pressure global change and sustainability conference in London, UK, which starts today, March 26th, and continues to the 29th. The movie is:

A 3-minute journey through the last 250 years of our history, from the start of the Industrial Revolution to the Rio+20 Summit. The film charts the growth of humanity into a global force on an equivalent scale to major geological processes.

It presents a contemporary picture of the world in which we live in, and how dynamics of the biosphere and the ways it supports human wellbeing. The shifting anthropocene provides the basis for how people can act to improve their lives in this decade and that provides the background for the conference.

The conference, which is attempting to better integrate the community of researchers working on sustainability and global change (importantly not just climate change), and to focus more on how to solve rather than only document problem. There are lots of resilience researchers at the conference. A partial list of Stockholm Resilience Centre participation is on our website.

The conference website is live streaming on the web, the conference programme is here, the conference has the tag #planet2012 on twitter, and also has a blog.

The conference organizers are also experimenting with a variety of atypical scientific conference activities (e.g. a debategraph, globally distributed events ) to try and improve innovation and connect the conference to the world. And that is helping me watch a bit of the conference while I am on parental leave in Stockholm.

Footprint Forum 2010

The Global Footprint Network and the Ecodynamics Group at the University of Siena are calling for presentations at their Footprint Forum: Meet the Winners of the 21st Century, in Colle di Val d’Elsa, Italy, just outside of Siena, Italy on June 7-12 2010.

Submissions are welcome on a range of issues and disciplines related to the Ecological Footprint (i.e., carbon, trade, biodiversity and water). Several abstracts will be selected for oral presentation. If your abstract is selected, you will have the opportunity to speak at the session for up to 15 minutes, followed by at least 10 minutes of discussion. In addition, a special issue of Ecological Indicators will include extended versions of a selection of papers submitted at Footprint Forum 2010.

All submissions must be a two-page abstract, and include an introduction, summary of methods and results section. Instructions and a template are attached.  Deadline: March 31, 2010 (Early submissions are strongly encouraged).

The organizers describe the Forum as:

WHAT: Footprint Forum 2010 – Meet the Winners of the 21st Century will be a highly interactive forum designed to create the kind of learning and idea-sharing that will support government innovation, advance human development, and move the sustainability agenda forward in a time of increased ecological limits. Through a diverse line-up of sessions, the Forum will allow you to share your best practices and ideas, as well as learn how other amazing individuals are using the Ecological Footprint in innovative and impactful ways. Now, more than ever, there is a need for innovative, breakthrough ideas – and our upcoming Forum will be designed to stimulate just that. The aim of the sessions is to overcome barriers to action, fill gaps in knowledge, and identify strategies that inspire further sustainability investments and bring about systemic change.

WHO: Attendees will include international leaders in government, non-profits, development agencies and business, sharing the common mission of creating healthy societies where all people can live well, within the means of our planet. The Forum will allow governments to discuss strategies for maintaining a competitive economy during a time of resource scarcity, corporations to gain an understanding of how to build a robust business strategy that will withstand ecological pressures, and development agencies to explore what is needed to make development gains last while preserving natural capital.

WHY: Copenhagen – COP15 – showed us that national governments and political leaders are finding it difficult to act collectively in the global interest. Global Footprint Network is convinced that climate action will only gather momentum once nations see that decisive action is in their own best interest. This compelling self-interest story becomes obvious once we understand climate change in the context of ecological resource constraints, as one of a number of related crises – food, energy, water, biodiversity, and so forth – emerging from humanity’s systematic overuse of available resources. This reframing presents a great impetus for transformation. The focus of Footprint Forum 2010 is on how we can capitalize on this opportunity.

Resilience 2008 conference schedule and web broadcast information

Hosted by Stockholm Resilience Centre, Resilience 2008 will take place in Stockholm between April 14-17 2008 and will involve some of the world´s most distinguished scientists and politicians who will discuss ecology, economy and society from a Resilience perspective.

Live web TV
Using advanced web television interface, more than 40 events over a four-day period will be covered live via the Stockholm Resilience Centre website. An additional 20 events will be filmed and later made available via the same website. Below is a complete list of all events that will be filmed and broadcast live.

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