Tag Archives: CERES

Postdoc on dynamic models of vulnerability in drylands and coastal zones

The Law and Governance Group focuses on the role of law and governance in the domains of food and natural resources is looking for a post-doc to work on a collaborative project with the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) and CERES Research School in the domain of global environmental change :

The post-doc will work in a team with another postdoc on analysis of vulnerability patterns on building bridges between system dynamic models and qualitative case-studies by attempting to upscale lessons learned from local case-studies through Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and by down-scaling Integrated Assessment Models (IAMS) through cluster analysis of model outcomes. Both strands of the project come together in analyzing patterns of vulnerability. The project will focus on drylands and coastal zones. The post-docs will work in close collaboration with a team of experts from CERES research school and the PBL. The postdoc will be responsible for the down- scaling of Integrated Assessment Models.

The research is carried out in Wageningen and partly at the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency in Bilthoven, and should lead to a development of methodology and a number of high quality publications.

You have a PhD degree in social or natural sciences; a strong interest in and experience with modeling (preferably system dynamics), sensitivity for qualitative research, experience with research on (global) environmental change, and interdisciplinary work. You are a team worker and have excellent writing and communication skills and a proven ability to publish cutting-edge scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals and an excellent command of English

Additional information can be obtained from: Prof dr ir J.W.M. van Dijk (han.vandijk@wur.nl) ( tel +31 317  482960/482957) and Drs M. Kok (marcel.kok@pbl.nl) (tel: +31 30 274 3717)