The USA’s Department of Agriculture is establishing an Office of Ecosystem Services and Markets. The Ecological Society of America’s blog EcoTone writes:
According to their press release, the office will help develop new guidelines and methods to assess ecosystem service benefits and create markets for ecosystem services. The authorization for this office was approved in this summer’s Farm Bill, which Agriculture Secretary Ed Shafer spoke out against.
Ecosystem services are one way that ecologists can place a currency on the valuable services our environment provides, such as water filtration and air purification, carbon sequestration, pollination and recreation. The new office’s first priority will be carbon sequestration. Says the press release:
“Agriculture producers provide many ecosystem services which have historically been viewed as free benefits to society – clean water and air, wildlife habitat, carbon storage, and scenic landscapes. Lacking a formal structure to market these services, farmers, ranchers and forest landowners are not generally compensated for providing these critical public benefits. Market-based approaches to conservation are proven to be a cost-effective method to achieve environmental goals and sustain working and natural landscapes. Without financial incentives, these ecosystem services may be lost as privately-owned lands are sold or converted to development.”
Would like to plant trees on my farm in NC for this program. I have 125 acres that have been used for tobacco, soybeans, and corn and 1/3 of it is already in trees. Is the govt. subsidizing the planting of trees on farms? Who do we sell the CO2 to?