Resilience 2008 conference schedule and web broadcast information

Hosted by Stockholm Resilience Centre, Resilience 2008 will take place in Stockholm between April 14-17 2008 and will involve some of the world´s most distinguished scientists and politicians who will discuss ecology, economy and society from a Resilience perspective.

Live web TV
Using advanced web television interface, more than 40 events over a four-day period will be covered live via the Stockholm Resilience Centre website. An additional 20 events will be filmed and later made available via the same website. Below is a complete list of all events that will be filmed and broadcast live.

Live coverage Monday 14 April
Opening of the Conference, Gunnar Öquist, Permanent Secretary of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Kåre Bremer, Vice-Chancellor of Stockholm University and Thomas Rosswall, Director of the International Council for Science.

Time: 08.30-08.50
Welcome address by Brian Walker: Probing the boundaries of resilience science and practice.
Time: 08.50-09.10

Keynote speaker Buzz Holling: Fundamental science, uncertain application and innovative organisations.
Time: 09.10-10.00

Adaptation and Sources of Resilience for Dealing with Change
Christo Fabricius: Is resilience theory useful for transforming social-ecological systems pushed far beyond the threshold?
Time: 10.45-11.15

Johanna Wandel: Institutional role in adaptive capacity in the Special Areas, Alberta
Time: 11.15-11.30

Colin Shanley: Resilience and adaptability of subsistence mouse hunters facing restricted access.
Time: 11.30-11.45

Henny Osbahr: Resilience in practice; reflections on development agendas and livelihood transformations
Time: 11.45-12.00

Guiseppe Feola: Modelling transitions of social-ecological systems. Farmer’s pesticide use in Colombia.
Time: 12.00-12.15

Urban System Challenges
Marina Alberti: Criticality and resilience in urban ecosystems
Time: 10.45-11.15

Robert McDonald: Global urbanisation: can ecologists identify a sustainable way forward?
Time: 11.15-11.30

Henrik Erntson: Studying transformative capacity: ecological resilience and social movements in Stockholm
Time: 11.30-11.45

Keith Tidball: “Raising” urban resilience: community forestry and greening in cities post-disaster/conflict
Time: 11.45-12.00

Vikram Dayal and Preeti Kapurla: Spatial inequality, population and provision of ecosystem services: a human well being approach
Time: 12.00-12.15

Science Fair, panel discussion: Vulnerability, resilience and adapation
Chair: Sander van der Leeuw
Panel Members: Emily Boyd, Beatrice Crona, Graeme Cumming, Fiona Miller, Don Nelson
Time: 14.00-15.30

Science Fair, panel discussion: Changing the rules of the game. Experiements
Chair/leader: Marco Janssen and Francois Bousquet
Time: 14.00-15.30

Science Fair, panel discussion: When resilience fails – interdisciplinary perspectives on resilience and natural disasters
Chair: Lance Gunderson
Panel members: Michel van Eeten, P. H Longstaff, Ann S. Masten, R. A Boin

Science Fair, panel discussion: Interactive governance and the resilience of aquatic resource explotation systems

Chair: Sven Jentoft and Maarten Bavinck
Panel members: Jan Kooiman, Ratana Chuenpagdee

Live coverage Tuesday 15 April

Keynote speaker Elinor Ostrom: Updating the design principles for robust resource institutions
Time: 08.45-09.25

Resilience Art exhibition (Changing Matters)
Time: 09.25 -09.35

Will Steffen: The earth as a social-ecological system?
Time: 09.40-10.15

Frances Westley: Getting to maybe: social innovation an agency based approach to transformation
Time: 09.40-10.15

Adaptive Governance and Multilevel Challenges
Arild Underdal: Responding to severe challenges: exploring two competing models
Time: 10.45-11.15

Dave Huitema: Adaptive governance in climate change
Time: 11.15-11.30

Michael Schoon: Adaptive governance in transboundary conservation: influences of institutional evolution
Time: 11.30-11.45

Erica Crawford Boettcher: Institutional arrangements for community resilience to flood hazard
Time: 11.45-12.00

Peter Haldén: The resilience of the international political system to climate change
Time: 12.00-12.15

Resilience, Global Change and Globalisation
Karen O’Brien: Rethinking social contracts: building resilience in a changing climate
Time: 10.45-11.15

Garry Peterson: Will climate change drive ecosystems across tipping points?
Time: 11.15-11.30

Elisabeth Malone: Resilience, climate change and security: modeling the connections
Time: 11.30-11.45

Halle Eakin: Linking local vulnerability to system sustainability in a resilience framework
Time: 11.45-12.00

Adrian Smith: Shaping technology systems: critical issues for sustainability governance
Time: 12.00-12.15

Live coverage Wednesday 16 April

Keynote speaker Steve Carpenter: Scenarios: imagination for transformation
Time: 08.45-09.25

Resilience Art exhibition (Changing Matters)
Time: 09.25 -09.35

Eric Lambin: Land-use transitions: social and ecological responses to land change
Time: 09.40-10.15

Marten Scheffer: Critical transitions
Time: 09.40-10.15

Adaptation and Sources of Resilience for Dealing with Change
Carole Crumley: Finding our way: language, evidence and context in resilience studies
Time: 10.45-11.15

John Anderies: Exploring social and ecological drivers of population distributors; an archaeological case from the US
Time: 11.15-11.30

Michelle Hegmon: The rigidity trap and social transformation: archaeological applications
Time: 11.30-11.45

Marco Janssen: Adaptive capacity to variability in the ancient American Southwest
Time: 11.45-12.00

Nilufar Matin: Linking institutional responses to ecological dynamics for enhanced transformability
Time: 11.45-12.00

Ahjond Garmestani: Discontinuities reveal panarchy in socio-ecological systems
Time: 12.00-12.15

Traps, Regime shifts and Transformations
Terry Hughes: Resilience, climate change and coral reefs
Time: 10.45-11.15

Reinette (Oonsie) Biggs: Can variance indicators be used to avoid ecological regime shifts
Time: 11.15-11.30

Rimjim Aggarwal: Unsustainable pathways: role of technological lock-ins, poverty and debt traps
Time: 11.30-11.45

Brittany Crow: The adaptive cycle applied to history: the transformative progression of dynasties in Imperial China
Time: 12.00-12.15

Live coverage Thursday 17 April
Panel presenting outcomes from the high level policy round table.
Panel members: Ms. Gunilla Carlsson, Mr. Anders Wijkman, Dr. Jaqueline Mc Glade, Mr. Bo Ekman, Ms. Maria Wetterstrand and Dr. Johan Rockström
Time: 13.30-13.45

Plenary discussion including input from the thematic workshops and speed dating sessions
Time: 13.45-15.50

Plenary conclusions
Time: 15.50-16.00

2 thoughts on “Resilience 2008 conference schedule and web broadcast information”

  1. Hi. Great to see how well the event is being publicised. Just a note about Kre Bremmer. In the text it says, “Kre Bremer, Vice Councellor”. Kre Bremer’s title is actually Vice-Chancellor (of Stockholm University).

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