Sarah Gergel writes to tell me that the excellent University of British Columbia, Faculty of Forestry is look for a Tenured or Tenure-Track Assistant or Associate Professor in Indigenous Forestry. The job ad is not yet up online, but will be soon.
The Department of Forest Resources Management in the Faculty of Forestry at the University of British Columbia seeks a tenured or tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professor in indigenous forestry. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in a relevant discipline, including forestry or related environmental or social sciences. Research interests could include: Aboriginal governance and policy, adaptive collaborative management, economic development of indigenous communities, sustainable communities, or traditional ecological knowledge. The candidate should have demonstrated experience in collaborating with indigenous communities and the development of university-level courses or teaching programs in Aboriginal or community forestry.
As one of the world’s leading schools of forestry, the UBC Faculty of Forestry takes a leadership role in assisting British Columbia and Canada through a critical transition period to greater collaborative management of natural resources. The candidate will play a key role in a growing dynamic indigenous program at UBC governed by UBC’s Aboriginal Strategic Plan.
The Department of Forest Resources Management has strong teaching and research programs that embrace the full range of forest management. The Faculty of Forestry offers undergraduate and postgraduate education in five programs: Forest Resources Management, Forest Sciences, Natural Resources Conservation, Wood Products Processing and Forest Operations. One program includes a specialization in community and Aboriginal forestry. The Faculty manages three research forests in different social ecological settings across BC.
The appointment will be effective January 1, 2012, but an alternative date may be arranged. Salary and rank will be commensurate with experience and qualifications. Candidates may be considered for higher rank, dependent on qualifications. All University of BC positions are subject to final budgetary approval. Inquiries should be addressed to:
Heather Akai, Administrator
Department of Forest Resources Management
2nd floor, Forest Sciences Centre
2045 – 2424 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4
e-mail: heather.akai@ubc.caThe closing date for applications is May 31, 2011. Applications should include curriculum vitae, a short statement of teaching and outreach philosophy and research interests, copies of recent publications and the names and addresses of three referees.
UBC hires on the basis of merit and is committed to employment equity. We encourage all qualified persons, and especially Aboriginal/Indigenous scholars, to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority.