In 2009, according to Google Analytics, Resilience Science had
140,000 visits (up 17% from last year), and
230,000 page views (up +30%)
10% of visitors came directly
70% from search engines (almost entirely from google), and
20% from refering sites
The main sources of traffic was, other big sources provided less than 1/10th of the traffic. These sites included:
A fair bit of traffic came from web 2.0 sites such as facebook, twitter, stumbleupon, bloglines, and delicious.
—older stats—
As of the end of September 2008 Resilience Science has about 425 articles.
From September 2007 to September 2008, Resilience Science has had about: 100,000 visits, of which about 80,000 were unique, and about 150, 000 page views. Of these about 15% of these were returning visitors.
Currently (during Sept 08) Resilience Sciences has had about 11,000 visitors.
The top ten countries for visitors were:
1.United States
3.United Kingdom
Top ten cities:
- Vienna
- London
- New York
- Montreal
- Alicante
- Stockholm
- Vancouver
- London
- Sydney
- Melbourne
Most visited articles were:
Based on statistics collected between Feb and Oct 24 2006. The weblog has about 100 unique visitors a day (not counting RSS feeds), and about 190 page views/day.
Top 10 most read articles between Feb 19 – Oct 26, 2007:
- Teddy Cruz – What adaptive architecture can learn from Shantytowns
- How to write consistently boring scientific literature
- Another world population map
- Normalized global maps – population vs. economy
- Water Hyacinth Re-invades Lake Victoria
- Black Swans: expecting the unexpected
- Seven Ways to Improve Environmental Education
- A surprising decline of pollination services in USA
- The how and why of linking future scenarios across scales
- Transforming Universities
Over 50 % of visitors come from google, and about 10% of visitors come from the main resilience alliance site.
Our visitors come from all over the world. The top 10 countries are:
- United States (40%)
- Canada (15%)
- United Kingdom (8%)
- Australia (6%)
- Sweden (4%)
- Germany (3%)
- India (2%)
- Netherlands (2%)
- Spain (1%)
- France (1%)
The top ten cities that vistors came from are:
- Montreal
- New York
- London
- Stockholm
- Toronto
- Sydney
- Washington
- Winnipeg
- Vancouver
- Melbourne
Based on statistics collected since Novemember 2005 (until Sept 2006): The weblog has about 100 unique visitors a day (not counting RSS feeds). About 1/3 of the visitors are returning, while 2/3 are new.The 5 most popular posts are:
- Teddy Cruz and Adaptive Architecture
- World Population Maps
- Partha Dasgupta’s comment’s on J. Diamond’s Collapse
- Disaster Sociology of New Orleans
- Mike Davis’s Planet of Slumps
Our visitors come from all over the world, but the top 10 countries are:
- United States (40%)
- Canada (17%)
- United Kingdom (8%)
- Sweden (6%)
- Australia (4%)
- Spain (3%)
- Germany (2%)
- France (1%)
- India (1%)
- Netherlands (1%)
About 40% of the visitors their country is either not identifiable or another country.
Our visitors are highly clustered. The top ten cities visitors come from (85% from somewhere else) are:
- Montreal 6%
- Stockholm 5%
- Toronto 2%
- Ottawa 1%
- London 1%
- Buckley, Washington, USA 1%
- Vancouver 1%
- Madison Wisconsin, 1%
- Seattle 1%
- Winnipeg 1%
Top five visitor sources are:
- direct (not via a link)
- the Resilience Alliance
- Bloglines
- Garry Peterson’s homepage
Last updated, Oct 26, 2007.