UNEP launches database of advertising dedicated to sustainability

The UNEP (United Nations Environment Program) has launched “The Creative Gallery on Sustainability Communications,” a website dedicated to maintaining a database of advertising which uses sustainability as a major theme. The site is, as UNEP describes it, “the first international online database of corporate and public advertising campaigns specifically dedicated to sustainability issues and classified by sustainability themes.” The Gallery is available at http://www.unep.fr/pc/sustain/advertising/ad/ad_list.asp?cat=all.

The site currently lists just over 700 public and corporate ads, which can be browsed by theme (e.g. “water”) or searched by keyword.

The goal of the project, according to UNEP, is to “… inspire and foster more and better communication on sustainability issues from all stakeholders involved in the promotion of sustainable development.” It can also has an obvious function as a source of information for research into advertising and marketing related to sustainability.
Anyone can submit an ad after registering with the database.

For a few examples, see this paper ad by AGBAR (Aigues de Barcelona) about water conservation, or this Saatchi &Saatchi tv ad for WWF’s Oceans Recovery Campaign.

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