Resilience Science in 2009

In 2009 Resilience Science had about 140 000 visits (up 17% from last year), and 230,000 page views (up +30%).  The average time a visitor spent on the site was about 1 min 20 seconds.

The most popular individual posts during the last year

Five most visited posts from 2009

  1. Machine Fetishism, Money and Resilience Theory
  2. What is resilience thinking and what is it not
  3. Chris Field says rate of climate change faster than estimated
  4. West Africa and international drug trade
  5. Drinking bottled water is drinking oil

Three most visited from 2008

  1. The long history of human-environment interactions in China
  2. Evacuation of dead Mountain Gorillas
  3. Shipping containers and world trade

And most popular from previous years were:

2007 Building Transformation: CO2 emissions and change

2006 Another world population map

2005 Global Consequences of Land Use

Where did visitors come from?

Below are the countries and cities from which the most visitors came from in 2009.  The numbers in brackets indicate thousands of visitors.

Top Countries

  1. USA (62)
  2. Canada (12)
  3. UK (12)
  4. Australia (6)
  5. Sweden (4)
  6. Germany (3)
  7. India (3)
  8. Netherlands (2)
  9. Spain (2)
  10. France (2)

Top Cities

  1. London (4)
  2. New York (3)
  3. Stockholm (2)
  4. Sydney (2)
  5. Melbourne (1)
  6. San Francisco (1)
  7. Washington (1)
  8. Seattle (1)
  9. Singapore (1)
  10. Vienna (1)

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