Learning tools

Gilliam Martin Mehers provide a big set of links to different types of teaching/learning facilitation resources and methods on her blog You Learn Something New Every Day.  She writes:

I am currently working with a team focusing on biodiversity conservation and assessment to “makeover” an existing training curriculum into one even more interactive and learner-focused. As a part of this process I offered to put together a selected list of resources, from the raft of those available, that are particularly useful to me in this kind of work.

Gillian points to resources on Games, Discussion and Co-creation Techniques, Storytelling, Improv Comedy and Theatre, Visual Facilitation, and Systems Thinking. For Systems Thinking she writes:

This is one of my personal passions – using systems thinking tools for learning. We have experimented a great deal in applying an approach that might initially appear to be too complicated to introduce in a short workshop. It does have a specialised vocabulary, a number of graphic tools and a set of conventions. We have a tag on this blog devoted to using systems thinking (see: Systems Thinking) which features posts on using it for strategic planning (see: Building Capacity in Systems Thinking: Want More Amplification? Don’t Call it Training), and exploring ways to help learners pick it up and use it in experiential ways (see: Working With Systems Archetypes in Learning Contexts). Systems thinker Linda Booth Sweeney has an interesting site devoted to systems thinking learning and storytelling, and has developed a useful systems thinking resources room.

On her blog Gillian has written about trainings using systems concepts, for example learning with system archetypes and Making a systems thinking playbook for climate change.

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