Three new senior positions in Stockholm

There are lots of things happening in the field of resilience and social-ecological systems in Stockholm right now. The Stockholm Resilience Centre opened earlier this year, and is a new international centre that advances transdisciplinary research for governance of social-ecological systems with a special emphasis on resilience. It is a joint initiative between Stockholm University, the Stockholm Environment Institute and the Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics at The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, funded by the Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research, Mistra. In April next year the centre will host the Resilience 2008 conference on resilience, adaptation and transformation in turbulent times.

Right now there are three senior positions open at different research departments and organizations in Stockholm. Stockholm Resilience Centre advertises for a 3 year guest professor in social sciences. The Department of Systems Ecology at Stockholm University, which works closely with the centre has a position open for a full professor in Natural Resources Management. Finally, IGBP is advertising for a new excecutive director.

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