The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment recently won the Zayed international environmental prize.
A BBC article writes:
UN secretary-general Kofi Annan has been given one of the most prestigious environmental awards, the Zayed Prize.
The citation noted his “personal leadership” on sustainable development.
The 1,360 scientists whose research contributed to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment were also honoured, as were activists from Trinidad and Indonesia.
The winners of the prize, which honours former UAE President Sheikh Zayed, share $1m (£564,000); previous awards have gone to Jimmy Carter and the BBC.
Among the instances given of the UN chief’s leadership was his decision to set up the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, a global research project aimed at producing a definitive snapshot of the planet’s environmental health.The scientists who contributed share the second element of the Zayed prize worth $300,000, for Scientific and Technological Achievement.
The jury described it as a “landmark study” which “demonstrates that the degradation of ecosystems is progressing at an alarming and unsustainable rate”.